Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes (PS5)

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes (PS5)
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    PlayStation 5
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    Digital Code
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    Out of stock

Our narrative starts in a particular region of Allraan, a mosaic of nations with various customs and beliefs. The history of the land has been molded by the alliances and aggressions of the local humans, beastmen, elves, and desert people through the use of swords and magical devices known as "rune-lenses."

The Galdean Empire has defeated other countries and developed a device that increases the magical power of rune-lenses.

The Empire is now searching the continent for an artifact that will allow them to gain even more power. Seign Kesling, a young and talented imperial officer, and Nowa, a lad from a rural village, meet and become friends on one such trip.

But a cruel turn of events will quickly thrust them into the conflict, compelling them to reevaluate all they hold dear.

Thanks to the amazing community support, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes became the most funded Kickstarter video game of 2020. It is a great pleasure for 505 Games to publish Eiyuden Chronicle and collaborate with Rabbit & Bear to give gamers an unforgettable gaming experience. Making sure Eiyuden Chronicle realizes its full potential and produces a valuable JRPG that the community will enjoy is the aim shared by Rabbit & Bear and 505 Games.

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